Sunday, March 11, 2012

The First Ones Out

Madeline sat on her bed, running her smooth fingers through the brail pages of her book.  She laughed when she read her favorite characters snide comment. Sophie looked over, the groaned when she remembered that it was in brail."I hate it when you laugh at something in your book, and I can't see what it is." Madeline heard the bright voice of her sister, who was waiting for her by the bed. Madeline closed the book, turning her head towards her sister."We should probably leave for school, right?" Sophie nodded, then caching herself, smiled."Yeah, we probably should. Let's go." She stood, readjusting her backpack on her shoulder and leaving the room. She didn't bother to help Madeline, since she hated sympathy and knew her way perfectly.

The two sisters soon stood at the bus stop, the morning summer sun striking their similar golden hair. Sophie looked over to see two other walking up the the bus stop. Madeline could feel their feet stomp the ground as well."Who is it?" Sophie turned her blind green/amber eyes on her sister. Sophie stayed silent for a little while."I don't know. I don't recognize them from last year." Madeline waited for awhile, then waved her hand."Hey! Com over here!" She called with a smile."Other way." Sophie leaned over, whispering in her ear."Oh." Madeline quickly turned to them more directly."Hey! Who are you guys?"


  1. Miko sniffed, "Why don't you tell us who you are first?" She ran a hand through her dark hair.

    Kaiser looked at Miko with a sigh, "Sorry about that. Miko just acts like that. My name is Kaiser. It's nice to meet you." He smiles.

    Miko glared at Kaiser, who just simply grinned. His cat-like eyes sparkling.

  2. Madeline smiled at Miko's attitude."That's alright. I'm Madeline Hanson." She then glanced to her sister as if she could see."I'm Sophie Hanson." Sophie beamed. Madeline reached for Sophie's shoulder slowly and carefully."We're twins. Nice to meet you!" Madeline reached out a hand for them to shake, which was actually held towards Sophie. Sophie redirected her hand to Kaiser.

  3. Kaiser took it with a smile, "We're not even related. But we've been together for a while, so we're like brother and sister."

  4. Madeline nodded with a smile."It's nice to know people still have close relationships like that." She commented, sounding as if she was older than she appeared. The grave look quickly slipped off of her face."Sophie, what do they look like?" She asked her sister, desperately wanting to know.

    Sophie patted her sister's hand."Kaiser is tall with silvery white hair and yellow eyes.(I think it was yellow). Miko is average height with black hair and brown eyes."

    Madeline nodded thoughtfully, trying to put a picture in her head.

  5. (Kaiser's eyes are golden cat-like. Miko's eyes are scarlet)

  6. (Lol)

    Miko growled lightly and looked around.

    Kaiser patted Miko's head and whispered something in her ear. Miko nodded and Kaiser turned back to the girls, "We're half-bloods. Demons really." He says, Miko looked at Sophie and Madeline, "You're half-bloods too?"

  7. Madeline was shocked, althrough her face was expressionless, and her blind eyes portrayed nothing."We are. Didn't know there were more." Madeline said, Sophie simply nodding in agreement. Madeline then laughed."Funny, we're half-angels." She then got a sudden idea."If you're half demons, do you know what this mark is?" She asked, holding her hand out to them. It had a strange, swirling pattern on it, like a tattoo.

  8. Miko looked at it with wonder, "I've seen that somewhere. Just not sure where..."

    Kaiser looked at Miko, "You've been doodling something like it for the past week. I was wondering where you got it, but I never asked."

    Miko shook her head, "I don't know what it means, but I have a strange feeling it means something important. I've been doodling it all my life."

  9. Madeline smiled. She was about to speak, when more people began coming to the bus stop."We should stop talking about it." She quickly pulled her hand back, hiding the mark under her jacket sleeve."Mortals can't know."

    Sophie nodded to the other two, glad that Madeline's practice was paying off. She was teaching herself to sense anyone's location by sensing through the ground.
